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kim hyun joong. hae young saeng. kim kyu jong. park jung min. kim hyung joon.
DOB :7th Oct

Drink:Ice Lemon Tea
Idols:Jolin Tsai* Show Luo
Band:Farenheit* SS501 =)
Hobbies:Taking naps* Cross-stiching* Music
Sports:Badminton*Netball*Table Tennis

Korean Drama
Books:Nancy Drew*Princess Diaries*Bloodline*The hollow kingdom* Dragon's milk*The flight of the Dragon kyn,The shamers war*The spooks apprentice, The medidator, The Unseen
Pets:Kois*Tortise(harry potter)*Hamster(karl)
Comics/Anime:Bokura ga ita*lovely complex*skip beat* Absolute boyfriend




Designer: Yorksun.




Thursday, November 19, 2009
Graduation nite '09

Graduation dinner... Jess, above are the photos for you.

'6:10 PM♡.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sniper 神枪手演员:Edison Chen as O 仔,    黄晓明 as 靖   任贤齐 as 头




- O 仔原本只是个巡警,头(当时的教官)发掘了他,让他加入特务队,因为他目睹O 仔办案的自信。O 仔很好胜,要做第一名,头怕他成为第二个靖,所以处处针对他。O 仔偶然遇到靖,靖因爱才,教O 仔憋气联射的个人诀窍。在训练时,O 仔运用这个诀窍,认为很管用,可是被头臭骂一顿。


-在“最后一战”,靖利用警察长为人质,要求头来应战。最后,大部分组员都倒下,剩下O 仔和头。头和靖因为相斗而各自受伤。头做掩饰,让靖向他开枪,他也命令O 仔“用最适合她的方式”将靖射死。头是在暗示O 仔永憋气连射法。虽然计划成功了,头也微笑着离开,好似因为偿还靖而感到安慰。





It is kind of critisism but, the interesting picture above represents the "SWAT team"
'5:39 AM♡.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Phatom workers
Phantom workers
they don't work, but they get paid
(I got scolded by my mum for not reading the newspaper-again. >.<

-A total of $4.5 billion forked out so that

- Employeers get 12% cash grant on the first $2,500 of wages for every Singaorean/permanent resident on CPF payroll

  1. Cost:Cheaper to hire foreign workers compared to locals
  2. Time: Foreigners are willing to work longer hours
  3. Attitude: Locals are more picky about jobs and quit easily

-"Quotas create problems because they create artificial barriers and people will find ways around them. What we should focus on is giving local workers a competitive advantage by improving their skills."

-Strong enforcement of existing rules. Employeers will then realise the consequences of flouting the law.

(taken from the sunday times)

'7:36 PM♡.
Sunday, November 30, 2008


樱花岸是一篇凄美的爱情小说。故事叙述一名力气大却活泼开朗又漂亮的女生--海希。她患有先天性心脏病。她与体弱又温柔的男生--晓誓言在他们离别的十年后,相遇在樱花树下。十年后,海希为了找晓,转校到晓的学校。她终于找到他了!晓是今日的音乐王子,古筝、小提琴、钢琴等乐器,样样精通。他还像从前,那个微笑,那么帅气,那么温柔。可是,他已经有了未婚妻--寻樱,紧紧拥在怀里。他也忘记了海希和与她过去的回忆!海希决定追回自己的爱情。毕竟,多年前,她早就应该因心脏病而死,却因为要达成与晓的约定,她活到了今天。晓是在妈妈抛弃海希的时候,唯一爱她的人。海希也同时遇见她在五岁的时候,从悲伤里“救出”的男孩--冰夕。当时,冰夕的爷爷在樱花树下开枪打死了冰夕的妈妈。冰夕觉得樱花很恐怖,它的美丽是因为吸了人的血。海希却说,不是,樱花只是将死去之人的思念集中起来,要冰夕等待另外一个爱他的人。海希在他的眼里,就是天使。今日的冰夕爱上了海希。更复杂的是:晓并不是海希要找的晓。这个晓是海希要找的人的哥哥,而真正的晓已经死了。寻樱也是海希的妹妹。究竟是爱上记忆中的影子还是眼前人? 海希赔上了整个生命去寻…
'7:14 PM♡.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
this brings tears to my eyes...





'2:16 AM♡.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Yays, secondhand serenade is back, do support their album~ ^.^

Recently, i watched a bunch of fantasy and action movies which i found very entertaining and worth watching. They are The chronicles of narnia, The golden compass and The spiderwick chronicles. The chronicles of narnia is basically about three children involving themselves with another world- Narnia through an old cupboard in the room.The movie has powerful sound and visual effects. The golden compass is about us humans having daemons attached to us. Daemons are like spirits, attached to us, taking the form of an animal that represents our character.The movie is very exciting and filled with emotions. The last movie, The spiderwick chronicles is most enchanting to me. An enthusiastic researcher got to know of the fairy realm and collected information on the different magical creatures, and compounded them into a book. This brought several misfortunes and Mulgawrath, the evil ogre would like to get his hands on it. Can you imagine that faries lived among the flowers? Would you have loved a brownie who craved honey hiding in your house? Do you know that among dandelions are faries called sylph who can bring you to another world and make you lose track of time? All that is so amazing!The producer even explained that all these were real as the story came from a write-in by the people who encountered these creatures. If you are interested, go watch it!
'7:01 AM♡.
new joke of the month
New "joke" of the month
Beware: The below joke is for VIP-very intelligent people especially in english ( just kidding)After you read the question, dont scroll down so soon as the answers will be shown.
Qns:There was someone named Happy.
1.What is her surname?
Ans1. Lee
explanation:(add them together..) Happy Lee= Happily

2. What is her occupation?

explanation: (you should understand by the first question) Happy Nurse= happinness~
'6:53 AM♡.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
click here to watch video

'8:38 AM♡.
Friday, July 25, 2008


~ 我在十字路口,看着越走越远的幸福 ~
'6:54 AM♡.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008


           在牧场… (我和妹妹)







'6:58 AM♡.
Friday, June 6, 2008
chinese compo



'10:12 AM♡.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hi there, finally had the chance to update the blog. This time, i went to another camp. Yay-yay-yay-yeah! (new cheer i learnt.used when u dunno wad to say)It is a west cluster camp held by Jurong Junior College, known as L.I.N.E Camp.L.I.N.E actually stands for leadership, innovation and enterprise and national education.First,let me introduce the people i knew during the camp or people i got to know better. Student faciliators from JJC:

Zhao Mian-Lg 11's I/C .As qiute a shy person, he tried very hard to make us feel welcome, and he suceeded!He is also someone who is very good at reflections. I think he makes very apt comments,but is quite pessimistic when it comes to talking abt himself because he is JC 1 and is inexperienced.However, i think he really cares for us-Lg 11 a.k.a the-fantastic-4.

Shawn- "Tall" , bubbly and cute! He is good at leading the family and our group in cheers.He can be a very fun and enthusiastic, but when it comes to handling serious things, he is very serious...he also busy himself with our needs.He is the 1st person i know who is allergic to eggs.

Johnathan-taught us(Lg 11) quite a lot of cheers such as the special macho clap adpoted from the moccha advertisement and underwear cheer.He is like superman, sometimes the joker and sometimes the cleaner etc... He became quite close with Briggette.

Peiting- Don't know why but i felt like she was my big sister, some sort of familiarness and so we were quite close throughout the camp. She attended to our many needs.As a food attached,she wented very much to spend more time with us and ended up getting reprimanded.>.<

Jessica- A very emotional person who also have deep thoughts. Due to the fact that she is a games attached.she is unable to spend time with us and is very apologetic about it.However, we do see she has done for us.

Pearlyn-She had to communicate with sign language as she has a sore throat.She is very caring and likes to act cute or emotional by doing her "special move"(joining both index fingers at their ends) A very easy-going person.


Briggette-She is another bubbly and easy-going person. She is good at "sa jiao-ing", people are attracted naturally. She likes to confide in a close person. I became her big godsis!

Shin Chieh-A carefree person, who is not pulled down by rules and regulations. A loyal friend.

Edwin-A blur person, who can be humourous at times. He is shy, can blush very easily even though he is tanned. He is sensitive to others feelings. He is called "rubics boy" because he is good at solving it.

On the first day, we were all quite reluctant about going as many of the selected people did not turn up, which resulted in the-fantastic-four.Right after attendance taking and splitting into groups,we had ice-breaker games and cheers.Some new games i learnt were handiplast(hit the person beside u-next person "ouch"-next person "handiplast"-next person repeats the cycle),Mrt (each person choose a mrt station to be called.when one person is called, the other two beside him will have to hit him either on hie shoulders or lap), squirrel and tree(two trees to one squirrel.there are three situations, fire,hunter and earthquake. Fire:trees must move.hunter:squirrels move. Earthquake:all move) and husband and wife(hold each others hand in a circle,a pair will break another pair, in which they must run together opposite direction, competing with the other pair to reach the gap first. Edwin and i were the unlucky ones, who failed for three times. In the end, we started the "super-solid" cheer as a forfeit.Highlights were Telematch and Cluedo. Unfortunately, i was unable to participate as Telematch is a water game and i was having that girl thing... Anyways, Telematch is made up of a series of tasks, such as log roll, turning in circles and cart. At the last part, they have to slide to the end on a improvised slide made from a smooth surfaced banner, on which they poured soap water on. At night, we played Cluedo. We were first given a video to watch, which story goes like this... there was a family of three, the husband abused the wife which was seen by their daughter. The wife was harrassed by another guy and had an affair with the manager(?) . The next day, the manager was dead. Who killed him? That is what we have to find out. We rolled a dice and "travelled" on a giant playboard. Each time we get a clue, we had to go to another place to complete a task. Most of the time, we followed the faciliators blindly, as we were unable to see the clue and were unfamiliar with the school grounds. At a point of time, we were given a hint that the murderer was in the canteen ,and a handcuff. Nearly all teams were there looking for the murderer. We then found him in a deserted corner and he sped off. I was extremely excited when i caught him, grabbing him by the shoulders. Then, other group members(Lg 1) came charging over, tugging at him. In the end, we shared the price. Supper was great! We had muffins and milo. We offered to help the faciliators, but didnt realise it will cause them discomfort. We slept in the hall, it was freezing cold. I counted 26 air-conditioners! Oh ya, i forgot... My favourite activity was mass dance, not that i like the part about pairing up with a boy but dancing! I think the teaching method was quite well although it was kind of draggy teaching step-by-step.
On the second day, we washed up and did some stretching exercises.The highlight was Kinetic Warfare, a water game, and i could play~Actually, they prepared giant man-made pools for us, but due to bad weather, they prepared stations for us. Each station has a different game.I remember there was a game of dog and bone(on soapy water) and passing of water bombs using t-shirts.During lunch, we had to eat lunch with our hands as part of national education like the day before, which we ate with our hands tied to each other.Then, we had L.I.N.E disco. It was so high, especially because of the music, all thanks to the logistics people, the SCDC people for the decorations and dances, and the faciliators who made us jump up and down. That day, we slept in the classrooms. I had difficulty sleeping because of the primary school students, who were still talking and shining their torches. I got all of them to sleep before lying down myself...ZZzzz
The third day was mostly for cleaning up and reflections. Each group was given individual classrooms to do E-web(emotional). Each of us were to thank someone for what he or she has done and pass the end of the string to the next person, just that it goes one by one( there is only one string). When all have received the string, it forms sort of a web.The piece of string was cut into pieces and given to us, which act as "bonds". Next, we had our palms drawn on a piece of paper, and have it passed around for others to write positive comments, which i think is very meaningful. What affected me the most was when the faciliators say that when we help them with food, they feel uncomfortable, as they think they are supposed to lead by example.When we gathered in the hall, we were all quite emotional and Mr Chua had to make it worse...

His speech prompted us to appreciate the faciliators, teachers and parents. We also sang sad songs like "Unbreakable". I was exceptionally touched when Jeremy spoke,he was ill with fever and vomiting and all, and yet he came. We went on to write postcards either to our parents our teachers and filled in a survey form. We hugged and said goodbyes~~~

~the above may not be accurate as it was based on memory~

'6:13 AM♡.
its finally here... the 4th book of spooks...
Its finally here.....the 4th book of the spook's apprentice- THE SPOOK'S BATTLE! Woots! I'm reading it now, and will update u all on the book sometime later. ^.^
'4:40 AM♡.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
learning journey
Today was an exceptionally enjoyable day, so much so that i haf to write it down on me blog and was smiling away the whole day.. ^.^ We have learning fest instead of studying. Of course, thats not the only reason...In the morning, after morning assembly, we had a briefing and then ice-breaker games! The first game was refreshing, "wrap" people in the sarong( under the arms) to be transported from one end to the other,one of them will have to run back to the starting line to "fetch" another group, so on and so forth. It was very exciting, but unfortunately, some ppl fell >.<. Anyways, for the next game, we had to pair up, blow the balloon, tie the balloon and burst the balloon(using our body). Ni wen and some others were really comical, they were helping the others burst their balloon, and they sort of hugged each other. Lastly, we had to arrange ourselves according to our birth dates, without speaking. Thus, in the end, everyonr was using handsigns. Next, we played a memory game. It includes looking of a film or picture and answering questions given and solving the mystery~ I thought all my brain cells were going to die... Worst still, there's a time limit given for the activity and there is this alarm... BLARING! Then, it is the activity that i was looking forward to... sandwich making!!! The ingredients were provided-cheese, butter, tomato. cucumber, pineapple,bread, canned sausages and tuna.By the way, for people who dont know, i dun like things like magarine, butter and cheese. Our group had many designs( i did sushi style and "delifrance style"), they were all ....."creative")O.o. In other words, rojak(typical singaporean) Nicholas was the funniest, he anyhow add everything, and he even got Mrs low to try. Mrs low was like:"Is this edible?".After eating up our creations, we had to do some recording. We had to reenact a scene, or rather just the speeches and record them, these will be graded. In the afternoon after lunch, we were off to the museum~ It was so cool! There were lights swinging thru and fro like pendullums(is this how to spell?). We even had a dead "companion" each, which was a device which acts as a tour guide. We had to complete an assignment for this. I was the photographer( fer-taw-gr-a-fer) of the group. There wasnt much words to copy down but more of visual things, we even watched a film. At the end of our , we took some photos. Unknowingly, through these activities, i feel 3E3 has become more united. Yays!
Actually, for me, going anywhere would be fun, only with the right company~ ;)
(hope to be able to update soon~)
'2:20 AM♡.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I just came back from prefect camp. I enjoyed the amazing race we played on the first day. We had to go to different sites near Boat Quay area to obtain answers.( A teacher is assigned to each group and we had Ms Chew) Therefore, before that, we planned out our route. Unfortunately, it rained cats and dogs, and we did nt have our ponchos, so we were reprimanded for not predicting bad weather. At the first half of the race, we had to brave the rain, until we reached the Fire Brigade station, where the kind uncle gave us ponchos after we took a tour of the exhibits. At some time, Yee Jeng was asked to be mute as it was evident that she was leading most of the time. The worst task we had to do was to find answers on tombs. Not that i was afraid, but some/most of the words were unclear due to corosion and can you imagine the rain pouring, us in ponchos, and wiping away at tombstones? I think my group was united in the fact that we take care of each other and we go together everywhere. We are also quite organised. However, the secondary ones are way too quiet, i hope they will voice out more so that there will be more suggestions. Oh ya, my groups name is called ATOB(pronounced as ah-to-b)which stands for Always Try Our Best. Very cute right?Overall, i thought i learned a lot during the camp and it was fun, especially with the company. ^.^We created a new cheer for the school! Woots! It goes like this:
Swiss Oi, Oi
I say u say we say what?
I say we Swiss @ the warfront
bom ba, bom ba ba
Swiss @ the warfront
bom ba, bom ba ba
huga, sa
huga, huga
sa, sa
what we wanna be arh?
Swiss student
what we wanna be arh?
Number One
Any sweat?
No Sweat, chicken feet, haha all the way

How far?
all the way

*red is for prefects or ppl leading
black is for students (echo)

'1:59 AM♡.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Book reviews of my favourite books
1.The last/spooks apprentice by Joseph Delaney
The spook helps to deal with ghouls,ghasts, boggarts,witches and creatures of the dark...He only takes in apprentice who are the seventh sons of seventh sons (which he is himself) as they are able to see thing that normal people can't.It's Thomas J. Ward's turn to be the spook's apprentice.He has a lot to learn and see...yX Gregory The alphabet is the Greek letter gamma.It is a sign for a ghost or a ghast.The cross refers to the grading of how powerful or dangerous the creature is.x=10 which is the lowest grading.
Boggarts Can be friendly or hostile or a mixture of both. Have coarse hairy coats and take on different animal shapes-mainly dogs but lots of cats and a few goats/horses.Boggarts that rap on walls or doors and cause a nuisance are called hall knockers. Often get up to tricks. May throw pots and pans around in the kitchen, smash cups and saucers , and wake up household.Pull bedclothes from bed. Dangerous because unpredictable. Can change into stone chuckers.These are boggarts that throw pebbles or even boulders.All boggatrs are ranked from one to ten. One is the most powerful.Can kill. Need to be artificially bound.Cattle rippers are boggarts that drink blood from cattle.Can cause farmer hardship.Sometimes can change without warning into ull-blown rippers which are boggatrs t hat drink blood from humans.To bind a boggart-Boggarts move up and down ley lines but can be trapped in one place.This is called naturally bound.The lines are actually lines of power underground.,invisible roads that boggarts use to travel quickly from one place to another.Earthquakes can trap boggarts naturally.Or needs to be artificially bound:pit needs to be dug at least six feet deep.for rippers,nine feetpit must be coated with mixture of salt and iron mixed into bone glue.Salt burns a boggartiron burns away its strengthblood placed in pit to lure boggart before stone is dropped into place, sealing it underground
Witches The malevolent means evil.The benign means good.Good witches help neighbours and wider community.Cure warts, coughs ,fevers and other ailments.Call themselves healers rather than witches. If both types of witches are caught by people like people of churches. they are burnt in public.The falsely accused are blamed for witchcraft in error. Sometimes tortured. Their homes are often sealed and sold.

The unaware means a witch who doesn't know she is one. Somtimes able to hurt others by habouring resentments, evil wishing or evil eye.Can either be malevolent or benign.Some use bone magic.Victim frequently dies of shock or blood loss.Finger,thumb and rib bones are most useful.Seventh rib most of all. Bones are usually taken just before dawn.Malevolent witches are usually bone-bound after death. Their spirits are trapped in their bones. To stop them from scratching their way to the surface,thirteen iron bars should be used, set into stone. This also helps to bury the witches head downward.Close to roots of a tree if possible.A powerful malevolent witch can be undead after you kill her and not do anything to her body.They can crawl, slither,or drag her way towards her victim.Body will be soft and pliable and able to ooze into a victim's nose or ears or nose and possess his body.Making sure she doesn't come back is difficult.Can burn or eat the witch's heart.Pit is the method that is less digusting. A witch is afraid of salt, iron, fire and water.Beware of village girls with pointy shoes.
The unquiet dead Ghasts are fragments of spirits that have moved on. Leaving bad part of themselves makes them able to do this.Ghasts repeat what they did again and again(bad part).Usually something done at scene of crime. also ranked from one to ten.Ghasts can only harm you if you are afraid.Sometimes they try to touch you. Squeeze your throat or press on chest to make it hard to breathe.Ghosts are full spirits still trapped on earth and unable to pass on.Sometimes because of the crimes they have commited. Others have regrets or tasks to do.Sometimes ghosts do not know they are dead.Can sometimes be persuaded and asked to move on.Most are malevolent.

Mother malkin Mother malkin uses blood magic.Gets her power from human blood, mainly from children.Gave home and support to young women, without husbands,who were expecting babies.Blood of babies used for magic.She has a son called tusk,related to his name ,he has humongous teeth.He is very strong and dangerous, help to crush young women.What Alice said about possessionThe damned,the dizzy and the desperate.First word used by priests for those they are certain that will go to hell.Second word-A body newly possessed has poor balance and keeps falling over.The possessed may be bad tempered too.So sudden change of personality may give a warning.Desperate is the state of an undead witch wanting to possess a new healthy body.Men are easier to possess than women.
Climax of story Thomas noticed a silver trail on the near river bank. It was a hunched figure.As he looked carefully,he realised she was mother malkin and she was eating a rat raw.Thomas coughed accidentally which attracted the witch's attention. She told him to go over to her.He stood rooted to the ground,so she moved towards him.Without thinking, he lifted the spook's wand. Suddenly it conjured something special, catching the witch a terrible blow on the side of the head.She gave a grunt and fell sideways into the river.To his horror,her left arm reached from the water and grabbeda tussock of grass.Then the other arm reached for the bank and she started to dragged herself out of the water.He forced himself to take a step towards the water and he jabbed the witch with the end of the staff till she lost her grip on the bank.As he walked along the riverbank, he felt a grip at his ankles.When he looked down, he saw a pair of red, glaring eyes.He jabbed at her hand hard but his ankle was jerked violently causing him to fall to the ground and sent the staff flying.She was using him to drag herself out of the water. He saw the staff, he twisted to reach it.At last he reached the staff and thrust it hard at the witch.She tried to protect herself by gripping the other end of the staff but she screamed loudly at the touch of the staff.To his surprise, she gave a deep sigh and became very still.Very slowly, one hand let go of his ankle ,and the other released the staff and she slid down the bank into the river softly...but this is not the last of Mother Malkin yet.
The book gets more interesting each time as Thomas unveals the unknown to you.

Second book:The spook's curse**** (Face the horror)
book three:The spook's secret*****(who did spook love?)
Rating:For ten years and above,fantasy and Trilogy

2.The hollow kingdom~
author:Clare B. Dunkle
Kate-unknown that she is partially elf. An orphan who is well-educated by her father, pretty and brave(elf power is most powerful on a full moon)Emily-Sister of Kate. Has common looks and has love for pets and animals. likes excitement and fantasises
Hugh Roberts-guardian of the sisters. literally "stole" the property of Hollow estate from them. A well-educated and scheming man. He always wears a white wig.
Marak-King of the goblin race. A powerful magician who wants Kate as his wife. His looks scares Kate-mismatched eyes, hair one half black and the other white, bony, pale skin, thick and bushy eyebrows and sharp silver teeth. He also has six fingers. He is a powerful magician who knows dwarf, goblin and elf magic.He is intelligent, pleasant although he likes to tease Kate. The goblin folk lives in Hallow hill(part of the water of the lake is held up by magic) and are unable to go out at dawn and comes out only at night.
Argatha-A wise old dwarf who aids the King and KateSeylin-Almost pure elf, a handsome thirteen/fourteen years old.Usually appears as a large cat. the king's right hand man, knows quite a bit of magic

The sisters wander off to the hills at night to watch the stars(Kate) and has a weird encounter. goblin kings would capture beautiful humans for a wife at night in the hills.Nobody believes Kate that there were goblins and they were out to get her. Kate gives herself to Marak in return for Emily who was missing. She was mistaken as it was Hugh who locked Em in the Hall. But Kate has promised to marry Marak in exchange for Em's safety. Marak and Kate was able to see where Em was through the water mirror.The king brought guards to rescue Em and in order not to let Kate break her promise, he "tied" Kate to him with magic. At the Hallow Lodge, Hugh was given a Stamp of truth on his tongue, pouring out all his plans of getting rid of the sisters. Goblins love revenge, Marak casts a spell on Hugh which makes him do crazy things, this was a wrong move as it nearly caused the extinction of goblin kind. Em wishes to go to the goblin world which she can never go back to the humans forever and she must marry a goblin when she is of marriageable age.She likes Seylin who is usually in cat form and does magic tricks for her.Marak and Kate goes through the marriage ceremony. Kate drinks a potion to make her temporary mute. She was dressed up by the goblin women. Argatha paints letters using black ink on her arms, which changed into gold, these were tests' of the King's bride. Her hair was twisted and puffed into a swirl on her head and with a strand of hair loose. She was dressed skimpyly with lots of bare skin.Marak was dressed barbaric too, looked like a peasant in an old tale. Firstly, out of the room, her wrists were chained to a stone table, she was slashed from the bends of her wrist down to the centre of each palm by Marak, blood collected in a bowl. Marak did the same to himself. After adding some powder, the blood blended to become thick red vapour with a silvery mist, in the end silvery pink cream. Marak rubbed it on Kate's wounds. the lines on her palm would tell the lives they live and Marak has a skip between the line.Next table, she was to kneel on a cushion, Marak cut both their fingernals using a golden sword and fed it to the fire.He also gave Kate's loose hair to the fire, again their blood, forming silver ash.Marak rubbed the sword with the ash and slide it down her hair, back and shoulder. A golden snake appeared coiling itself around kate and became flat on her skin. It was the King Wife Charm, it would harm/bite anyone who endangers the King's Wife's life, including the wife herself. The ceremony is over.Marak tells Kate that she is an elf which she cannot believe.The way the King thinks about his wife affects the way the Heir is born, what one likes about the other.Kate started to settle in.Seylin and Em was inseperable. The Dwarves love Kate for her gentleness and mad eher many jewelleries.Kate helped the goblins improve their English.Hugh has attracted the attention of the doctor of an asylum and told him about his encounter with the goblins. The doctor in turn told his brother, a soccerrer. He has captured Hulk, for his blood to slowly summon the other goblins,enslaving them , including Marak. Marak has Seylin to take charge as he will not be summoned. Marak had wanted to prepare spells but it was too late. Kate got advice from Argatha and decided to save the goblins. Kate left the kindom through the water mirror, she imagined the stars in Liverpool and she ended in the lake as what she saw was a reflection. She met a kind woman on the train who got her a coachman-Bingham to drive her straight to Liverpool, but he was interested in her jewels, tried to kill Kate and was bitten by the snake. She abandoned the carriage and saw Thaydar's spirit.She followed him to a dirty house , saw the decaying body of Hulk and was captured by the soccerer who thought she was a soceress.He summoned all the goblins to kill Kate but all refused.He commanded the best of them all-Marak, who was not in the least afraid of her. She tried to persuade Marak and he was hesitating.when Marak raised the sword in his right hand, he pushed Kate with the other.The socerer commanded him again, this time, Kate is on the floor vulnerable. He awoke when Kate said she was carrying the Heir, also helping to deal with the bad guy. However, it was the snake who did it again.She freed caged animals but killed dangerous ones she found.She even got a human baby(matilda,named after a King's wife), two wolves, a monkey and a rat. Kate released the goblin's spirits from the jar which would escape into their body. But Marak's jar was only half full. She burnt the house to release the spirits.Marak was ill for months. Their baby had golden hair and he had a lion paw. He was named Marak Catspaw.
3.Close Kin (The Hallow Kingdom Trilogy)

author:Clare B. Dunkle
Seylin-He misunderstoods Emily's intentions when he proposes to her, thinking that she would rather marry Thaydar than him. Devastated, he leaves the kingdom in search of his own people, the elves.Catspaw's tutor.
Emily-After Seylin left, she realises what Seylin means to her other than taking care of baby goblins and sets out in search of him. She is in the company of Ruby, her teacher on human subject, who hates humans.Ruby-finds herself attached to human children to love.
Sable-Direct desecendant of the Sabuls, one of elf King's camp lords. Afraid to marry to Thorn, he who fed her even before her father's death and afraid to die of child's birth, she disfigures her face. She was told to be wary of goblins so she was very protective when the goblins took her away. She married Tinsel who had been caring and nice to her compared to Thorn. She has potential to be a healer but is more interested in mathematics. She became Kate's good friend.
Irina-Cute and naive, she was in the same elf group with Sable. They had to do butchering. When captured by the goblins, she was easily persuaded by Thaydar, whom she was to marry. She was great at turning plant bits into yarn and spells to weave them into cloth or clothing. She became the fashion designer of the kingdom.
Kate-Settled down but out of sorts lately. Teased many a times by Marak to try and kill her husband.She is not good at weaving spells.
Marak-Scheming by allowing Seylin to find his kind...He teaches the three elf women magic.
Catspaw-Likes to change into different things/animals with magic. Fairly well-mannered.He had a large amount of military magic, enthusiastic in strategy and battle.He loves his mother and is in awe of his father.He was becoming a real king.
Matilda- The human, foster sister of Catspaw is neglected by Catspaw and Kate. She was starting to become vain, ambitious, hot-tempered, bossy and jealousRichard-A goblin child Em meets on the journey, trying to steal.He took care of Jack and Martha, human children. He became the one of the king's page, also Catspaw companion.
Seylin finally found a group of his kind in the elf's forest.He realises that they are rude and "ugly mannered". As he is ready to leave, Emily found him through words of Jane and his father, and also the golblin king's men. The spell had caused the elves to fall asleep. The goblins took the elf women back to be married.Sable slowly finds out that what Tinsel had promised was true and she was not dying from childbirth. Matilda utrns bad tempered and jealous. Catspaw was slowly becoming more kingly, he would never take orders from Seylin only out of his free will...
Elves love stars, flowers, beautiful things. They wear brown.
4.In the coils of the snake

author:Clare B. Dunkle
Miranda(coils of the snake/seeing):Matilda's daughter.Marak has been bringing her up to become a king's wife.He brought her down to the goblin kingdom, as he made her family think that she was dead. She has grown a liking to Catspaw.Named Sika-fox because of her red hair, brown eyes
Catspaw:Goblin King after Marak's death, rash but confidentAganir Ash:Elf king(unknown),had a wife, Kara he killed with his magic.He had gathered all elves
Seylin:advisor to Catspaw, wise and knowledgeableArianna:actually bethroed to the elf king, has powerful magic ,afraid
Tattoo:son of Sable, guard of Miranda, likes
celina-Seylin's daughterHunter:An elf
Marak is resting in his tomb and so is Thaydar. Marak had taught Miranda to be brave, intelligent and proud, to be queen. Ash meets Catspaw, hoping to sign a treaty, to be able to make copies of elves' magic books in exchange of an elf bride. Ash even tested the goblin's elves.Kate was especially uptight and even cried as Ash used the Call of the King on her. cayspaw did not find a suitable wife among elves of marriadgeable ages but found Arianna,seventeen,who had black eyes-noble family and was afraid of Catspaw. Now that Catspaw has another wife, Miranda thinks she has no place to stay.In her fury,she requests to leave the kingdom. Catspaw agreed but sends Tattoo after her.She finds herself prisoner of Ash and tattoo who changed into a bird was trapped.Miranda/Sika did not know she had became Ash's wife after he has worked the Seven Stars spell on her. Miranda was quite stubborn at first but gradually settles down as she falls in love with Ash. On the other hand,Catspaw was angry with Ash for capturing Miranda and telling lies to Arriana about terrible things, causing her to keep running away and not talking.He sents Seylin then Sable to send the magic books to Ash. Seylin is burned by the seven stars, the Call of the King was used on Sable to deliever Ash's words and she has been struggling to live. Ash promised Sika of their marriage before setting off.leaving her in hunters care. The next day, Catspaw and an army came to the elf camp.Sika made Catspaw promise not to kill Ash, in return, she has to return to the goblin's kingdom, with Hunter tagging along.Tattoo and Hunter build up friendship during their stay.Seylin comes to take Miranda away secretly, saying he need her help. Seylin had turned Miranda,tattoo,Hunter and himself as shadows. Before Ash and Catspaw starts to fight, Seylin worked some magic, surprising them. Miranda flungs herself at Ash.Seylin reveals Ash's identity as he reads from the elves kings chronicles. Ash went to treat Sable and bring her back.Seylin taught Ash too, about history.... They had build up their frienship- the two races, until the time comes again for the goblins to take the elves' books away again.
'5:28 AM♡.
Saturday, November 10, 2007


'8:21 PM♡.
Friday, November 2, 2007

今天,课外活动后,疲惫不堪的我乘搭地铁回家。由于已经是五点半,是放工时间,车厢里拥挤的很。起初,我还不敢挤进去,因为实在太多人了,大多数还是男性,但是最后说了一声“对不起”,赶在车门关上前上了车。在车厢里非常辛苦,“动弹不得”,必须保持平衡,才不会撞到其他人(可我已经很累了!)。抵达了下一个站(choachukang),场面一片混乱,人们急着进去和出来,弄得我心情烦躁。有一位搭客从外面进来,碰撞到我的右肩。在他结巴地连忙向我道歉时,我打量了他一番。他身材矮小,看起来不年轻,傻乎乎的,穿着轻便的汗背心和短裤,较阔的脸颊,古铜色的肌肤,下巴还长着又乱又粗的胡子。他就在我的旁边也算是前面,因为我们实在靠得太近了!他一定是个变态,样子古怪就算,还三番两次地偷瞄我!我感到不舒服就尽量退后了一步,离他远一点儿。没想到,他看见我的举动就低声细语地问:你要下车了啊?我呆住了,我张开了嘴,却什么都说不出,只好傻傻地点了点头。就当地铁抵达了Yew Tee 车站,车门渐渐张开时,他用他那沙沙的嗓子大声说:“有人要下车,请让开!”我很惊讶,不只是我,其他搭客也吓得闪到一旁。当然,我也因为心中的误会而感到不好意思。虽然他说的话没有我所描述得那么标准,但这一些都不重要了。刚才苦着脸的我,笑了。我“顺利”地踏出地铁,转了回头想向他道谢,可是地铁已经神速地从我眼前消失。。。
'3:54 AM♡.
Monday, October 15, 2007

Today, i played badminton with Feng Can, Chang feng, Dun yang, Zhi han,Jewel, Jun li and Yan. It was very enjoyable as all of them play like professionals( you should see them play sometime) .My skills are average compared to them>.<> Today was an exhaustind day, i'm sure i lost a lot of calories (yay!).I really look forward to the next time we play again~
'12:59 AM♡.
Monday, October 8, 2007
'7:26 PM♡.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
leadership camp
抵达了露营地点,我的第一个印象是这里不怎么样。大概是主办商为了节省开支,厕所让我“大跌眼镜”,它没有木或铁门,只有折叠式的拉门,马桶怎么冲,还是黄色的,从花撒(shower sprinkler)的水是几滴几滴地慢慢流出来,吊衣服的地方也没有。还有,打包的食物油腻,米粒也受到众人的批评。但是,经过了他们安排的活动和游戏后,我发现这一切都不重要,最重要的是,这次的露营让我获益不浅。我不后悔参加了这个露营活动,因为它让道理和学习之处(learning points)深深地刻在我们的脑海里。让我印象深刻的有几项活动。第一,在一场考体力和耐力的友谊赛里的其中一项活动,每一组(十五个人)必须派出十个组员一起连续跳十次的跳绳。我这组(pegassus)是比赛的最后一组,还未完成跳绳这一关。我们尝试了很多次,想了许多改进的办法,得了其他组员们的鼓励,但还是不成功。我们已经筋疲力尽了。终于,教练Gopal问我们是否要放弃,我和组员不约而同地喊“不!”教练Gopal限我们在十分钟完成。“一骂惊醒梦中人”,我们休息后,第一次就成功了。第二,我们必须完成五百片的拼图。在开始拼图之前,我们需要找出被藏着的拼图。我们这一组又再次落后,但惊喜是我们第一个完成拼图,当时大概是晚上十一点。我们也需要等其他组完成,不管我们多么想见周公,我们还是去帮助他们。北极熊的拼图特别难完成,因为差不多整个拼图都是白色的。那一天,我们破了记录,早上四点多才睡觉。第二天早上我算不清楚自己打了几次哈欠。最后少不了最精彩,“打仗”的时候。(to be continued)
'6:43 PM♡.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
'3:26 AM♡.